Touch your community with humor, healing, and hope.


We are looking for business owners or managers who desire to honor God with their business; people who share God’s desire and ours to reach people for Him. In return for your support, we will help introduce your business to our audience. The monetary rewards for partnering with LFA will pale in comparison to the Heavenly rewards you’ll get for reaching people for Christ. The unique and uncompromising way we’ve shared the Good News of Jesus Christ with thousands has resulted in hundreds of people responding to Him. At one of our events, a teen girl who found out that day that she was pregnant attended with her mother. She made her way down to the infield to received Christ at the invitation time. We’re praying for many lives to be changed at each event! We are also giving away 1000’s of toys and food bags to under-resourced families to help with their physical needs. Please find the sponsorship level that matches your desire to help and simply click to donate. We’re looking forward to partnering with you.